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Current observations between Keratsini and Psytalia Isl. (Saronikos Gulf, Greece)

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dc.contributor.author Papageorgiou, E. en
dc.contributor.author Balopoulos, E. en
dc.date.accessioned 2019-03-18T06:58:32Z
dc.date.issued 2019-03-18
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3393
dc.rights CC0 1.0 Παγκόσμια *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ *
dc.subject Water currents en
dc.subject Spectral analysis en
dc.subject Time series en
dc.subject Current velocity en
dc.title Current observations between Keratsini and Psytalia Isl. (Saronikos Gulf, Greece) en
heal.type TechnicalReport
heal.generalDescription Technical report 83/PH1 el
heal.classification Oceanography en
heal.classificationURI **N/A**-Oceanography
heal.keywordURI **N/A**-Water currents
heal.keywordURI **N/A**-Spectral analysis
heal.keywordURI **N/A**-Time series
heal.keywordURI **N/A**-Current velocity
heal.contributorName Papageorgiou, E. en
heal.contributorName Balopoulos, E. en
heal.identifier.secondary TEE/370
heal.dateAvailable 2019-03-18T07:03:32Z
heal.language en
heal.access free
heal.recordProvider Institute of Oceanography en
heal.publicationDate 1983-09
heal.bibliographicCitation Papageorgiou, E. and Balopoulos, E. (1983). Current observations between Keratsini and Psyttalia Isl. (Saronikos Gulf, Greece). (Technical Report). Athens: Institute of Oceanographic and Fisheries Research en
heal.abstract Current meter data were collected during spring 1983, near the sea-bed of the narrow between Keratsini and Psytalia island in Saronikos Gulf, Greece. The objectives of these current measurements were the investigation of the current climate near the sea bed of the narrow, and the gathering of information, which will be useful to engineers, designing the construction of the pipe-line for the sewage outflow from Keratsini to Psitalia island. A variety of techniques, including statistical studies, spectral analysis and several graphical representations, are utilized to analyze the vector time series. en
heal.tableOfContents 1. Instrumentation, methods, analytical techniques 2. Current statistics 3. Spectral analysis of current meter data 4. Residual currents 5. Temperature and conductivity statistics 6. Long-term variations in current velocity, temperature and conductivity 7. Summary and conclutions en
heal.numberOfPages 35 p.
heal.publisher Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Research en
heal.fullTextAvailability true
heal.coverage.spatial Saronikos Gulf el
heal.coverage.spatial Psyttalia Island el
heal.coverage.spatial Keratsini el

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CC0 1.0 Παγκόσμια Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as CC0 1.0 Παγκόσμια

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